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Writer's picture: Ellen Frazer-JamesonEllen Frazer-Jameson

DAY 25 - 05 February 2023

AT SEA enroute to Penang, Malaysia

Queen Mary 2 World Centenary Voyage

102 days, 31 ports, 18 countries.

Ellen Frazer-Jameson reporting live from Queen Mary 2

Meet Gordon Chesterman

Speaking of art. In Sir Samuels I was introduced to internationally known British artist, Gordon Chesterman. Gordon is a Cambridge University tutor and he is well aware of the old adage that ‘one picture is worth a thousand words” so while I describe to you life on board the QM2 in words and photographs, Gordon has set himself a task of competing one painting every day for his voyage between Southampton and Sydney.

“I have a confession to make,“ says Gordon as he orders a Cappuccino. “I’m two paintings behind. The Shore days disrupted my routine. I committed to one painting per day and we’ve been at sea for 25 days, I’ve only painted 23.”

Gordon is currently on a four-month sabbatical from his position at Cambridge, the town where he also lives. His career has spanned the corporate world, academia and he also owns an old printing press in the town of Ely, down the River Cam from Cambridge, where he carries on a high-quality custom printing business.

Gordon trained at the London College of Printing before transferring into corporate recruitment at Price Waterhouse, Financial Services, and then on to his post at Cambridge. He is travelling on this voyage with his wife, retired doctor, Dee MCormack. “Spending the children’s inheritance money,’ he jokes.

Painting was a hobby for Gordon but his work became so popular, he now hosts an annual exhibition. The paintings he has been doing on this section of the World Voyage are watercolours focusing on the ship, her interiors and also paintings of life impressions from port stops.

Before boarding QM2, Gordon printed postcards on which he paints. He then mails the original works to friends all over the world. “They do encourage me to publish the collection of paintings in a book. People love the Queen Mary and the paintings are a reminder to me and them of a very special Centenary Voyage. “

Thank you to Gordon for allowing me to show you a couple of his stunning and evocative artworks online. I reminded the artist, "there’s another 35 paintings to go before Australia."


(Click to enlarge)

We're assembling a complete update including day two in Dubai; the port call at Muscat, Oman, a change in Captains and some news from Ellen regarding some new COVID protocols.


Current position of Queen Mary 2: Under way from Muscat to Penang

  • Departure was 1 d 7 hrs 49 min ago. (at 18:00 h local time)

  • Arrival will be in 5 d 2 hrs 11 min. (at 08:00 h local time)

  • Traveled distance since Muscat: 655.14 nm (1,213.31 km)

  • Remaining distance to Penang: 2,536.01 nm (4,696.69 km)

  • Traveled distance since Dubai: 972.65 nm (1,801.35 km)

  • Course: 170°


Happy Sailing ... The Journey continues... Ellen



11 February 2023


Photo of the day (from the archives of JD Schwartz)


Further updates will be posted as soon as we get them from Ellen onboard Queen Mary 2.


4 comentários

06 de fev. de 2023

Will the paintings by Gordon Chesterman be for sale ?


06 de fev. de 2023

What a treat to see all those lovely pieces! They really capture the joy of life at sea.


06 de fev. de 2023

An update on the current COVID protocols will be welcome....


05 de fev. de 2023

Love the rust depicted on the painting of the sheltered balcony !


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